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standard Course Syllabus Intro To Art

Course Title: Introduction to Art A/B

Instructor: Rob Paulus


Telephone: 922-1305, x5312

Required materials: materials will be provided. If the student wishes to purchase quality drawing tools and bring them to class they may. The teacher and the school will not be responsible for drawing supplies brought to school.

Materials that we will be using are :

  • pencils

  • erasers

  • printer paper

  • glue stick

  • colored pencils

  • white eraser

  • fine tip black marker

  • etc.

Textbook: We do not have a textbook, but may use a variety of other sources such as website,in-class library, select art videos,art magazines and youtube videos.

Course Description: The course will provide the students the opportunity to work with a wide variety of media. Students will learn about the principles of design and the elements of art. The course will also include art appreciation and art history. Students will be expected to read, write and speak about their work and the work of others. After the first twenty days of class.

Standards of Expected Student Achievement:

  1. Knowledge of elements of art and principles of design

  2. Understanding of basic drawing techniques

  3. Some knowledge of art history and how art relates to culture

  4. Ability to evaluate their work and the work of others

  5. Identify how the visual arts relate to other disciplines

Methods of Assessment: (100-90=A, 89-80=B, 79-70=C, 69-60=D, 59 and below=F)

  1. Work Ethic: time on task, commitment to excellence, responsibility

  2. Quality of work: 12=outstanding, 10=excellent, 8=good, 6=fair, 4= poor quality, 3=turned in, mostly incomplete, but demonstrated effort, 0=not turned in/no effort/absent without permission

  3. Organization and presentation of a portfolio and notebook

  4. Quizzes on the material covered in class

  5. Artist Reports

  6. Be punctual, present, and productive

  7. Work Station Maintenance-clean up, wise use of materials

Classroom Guidelines and rules:

  1. Students are expected to be in class and ready to work when the bell rings.

  2. The school’s attendance policy will be enforced.

  3. The class period should be spent creating art.

  4. Students will be expected to occupy their work station unless they need to retrieve materials. Students may request a restroom pass five times per term without penalty. After the fifth time students will need to make up the class time or lose participation points.

  5. Students may not work from other classes.

  6. All projects must be completed solely by the student submitting the work.

  7. Students must take care of school property.

  8. Students are asked to please remove hats upon entering school buildings.

  9. Students are asked to please not use inappropriate language.

  10. Cell phones and other electronic devices will be used to find material and examples online. Students must use headphones. Headphones are used on rare occasions when students are working by themselves on a piece. Students must not wear any headphones when working in a group project or when the teacher is speaking.

  11. Food and drinks are allowed in class.

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created in 2017 by R Paulus


Course Title:

Introduction to Art


Three Dimensional Sculpture 

Instructor: Rob Paulus


Telephone: 922-1305, x5312

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